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    Dave's Blog

    It's This Way...

    It's This Way...

    I did this sketch & posted it on Instagram last week. Landscapes like this are a lot of fun for me because I enjoy putting in all the little details, shapes & patterns. I never tire of it. Living here in Oregon, I've got loads of inspiration surrounding me too. The massiveness of its beauty can be almost overwhelming. You feel so small when your out there...lots to see. I would love to do one of these as a mural sometime. It would take awhile, but I could see filling a big wall with mountains, trees, waterfalls, etc..Now that would be some big time fun. :)



    I draw everyday & post my sketches on Instagram & FB fairly regularly, so as a New Year thing...I thought I'd start posting some thoughts & sketches here too.

    Yesterday was "Squirrel Appreciation Day". Yes...they even have a day for that! 🙂

    Maybe this will turn into a print soon...Stay tuned.

    Have a great week!